Difference Between Eharmony And Match

When users sign on to eHarmony, they are presented with a lengthy compatibility test. At the end of the test, you’ll be shown profiles of other users, who have a compatibility score on their profile.

EHarmony stands right behind Match, but there is still a whopping gap of 10% between the two, with eHarmony owning 14% of the US market. It goes without saying that the popularity of these two websites is much higher at a global level, a thing confirmed by the monthly visits each platform receives.

  • What's the difference between Match and eharmony? If this is the crossroads you're at, it wouldn't be a bad idea to first check out two of the biggest names in the business. If you're trying to.
  • The founder and lead pitchperson for the site is Dr. Neil Warren, who says eHarmony is the first dating site to use a scientific approach to match people who are extremely compatible.

A good compatibility score on eHarmony is any profile that is over 100. This means they are more likely to share your views and interests based on your compatibility test scores. Anything close to 60 or 70 means low compatibility based on eHarmony’s data.

In this article, we’re going to show you everything you need to know about compatibility scores on eHarmony and why it can help you secure longer relationships.

Understand eHarmony’s Compatibility Score

What Is The Difference Between Eharmony And Match

Separated from all dating apps, eHarmony has created an algorithm to help users create more meaningful matches. They’ve named this science-based approach their “compatibility test”.

When a user signs up to use eHarmony, they will fill out basic info such as their gender and their sexual preference. Once the user fills out all of the basic info, they will then be taken through a series of questions which are all part of the compatibility test.

Questions that are featured in this test include understanding if you’re a morning or night person, staying in or going out to clubs, and preferences such as outdoor or indoor getaways.

These questions are all calculated by eHarmony’s algorithm, which helps match up users who share the same interests. This why eHarmony claims to have a 3.6% divorce rate with users who get married off their platform.

This divorce rate on eHarmony is significantly lower than the standard U.S. divorce rate. eHarmony claims that it’s compatibility test and score results are the reason relationships are better matched.

The eHarmony compatibility test is lengthy and can take a user up to 20 minutes to complete. Although it may seem tedious, the platform must understand your interests and personality to match you with other users better.

Once you’ve completed the compatibility test, you’ll be given a compatibility score.

Matching By The Compatibility Score

The compatibility score is a score that’s given on a scale from 60-140. Anything closer to 60 typically means that there is little to no compatibility between you and that person.

An example of this is if the person likes to party and enjoy long nights, meanwhile you like to relax and enjoy early mornings.

Using their compatibility tests, eHarmony is able to anticipate your interests and personality habits and best match you with someone you would enjoy spending time with.

Users who are closer to 100 on the compatibility score, are someone that eHarmony believes is the right fit for you. The higher the score, the closer to personal preferences they are to you.

When eHarmony presents profiles on your home screen, it’s best to look for nearby profiles that have anything close to 100 or above to match with someone you know for a fact confidently has your same interests.

This is the main difference between eHarmony and other apps like Match.com or Tinder. eHarmony uses science and predictability tests to best match up to its users. There’s no card stack; there’s no guessing if a user may be a good fit just because they live down the street.

What Is The Highest Compatibility Score On eHarmony?

The highest compatibility score on eHarmony is 140. This means that you and the other user are a perfect match. You’ve both picked every single question the same on the compatibility test and meet all the necessary criteria for a perfect match.

A perfect match is often very rare, as no two people are exactly alike. This is also a great thing about the test. It closely matches up users with their similar interests but realizes that not every single person is alike.

However, when you’re searching for matches, we recommend searching for high compatibility scores that are over 100. Anything closer to 140 is often ideal but can often be hard to find.

These high scores give the user a look inside of what each profile can bring in terms of happiness and well-being in the future.

We recommend going premium, and sorting the high compatibility scores in your area, to best find a match that fits your preference both physically and mentally.

Simply having enough data to collect on your user before actually talking to them is beneficial for deciding if you want a future with this person.

What Is The Lowest Compatibility Score On eHarmony?

The lowest compatibility score on eHarmony is a 60. This score signifies that you and that other user have nothing in common.

It’s rare to see a score be that low. However, it’s possible to see a low score on eHarmony as you’re scrolling through profiles. Scores that are below 80, we recommend you disregard them.

This can be one of the hardest parts of using eHarmony. Often, profiles come across our screen with a beautiful person with a deficient compatibility score.

For the sake of your time, we recommend skipping right over them. eHarmony’s algorithm is powerful enough to match you with the best fit for your personality. Taking a risk on someone who does not fit your personality can lead to heartache later down the road.


eHarmony’s compatibility score is unique and unlike any other dating platform. Each profile is given a score between 60-140, which allows users to decide how compatible they are with one another.

eHarmony takes a science-based approach to their profile matching, as opposed to the anesthetics approach. This helps relationships be more meaningful and purposeful ask you’re not just judging off of looks, but for interests and personality.

Official Compatible Partners Website

Although eHarmony may seem a bit pricey compared to other dating apps, it’s highly recommended as all users on the platform are serious about the dating process. If they’ve paid and taken the time to complete a 20-minute test, you can be confident the person on the other end is interested in learning more about you, just as much as you care for them.

In the end, that’s what really matters as we look to spend the rest of our life with someone who is both our spouse and our best friend.


In this review we'll help you choose between eHarmony vs Match and will give you an objective comparison.

Match is arguably the most popular online dating platform. Present in over 25 countries and available in multiple languages, it counts over 35 million visits each month. It is ideal for singles who want to broaden their horizons and play fun games while looking for their significant other. If you love to be in the spotlights and don’t mind the crowds, Match could be a good fit for you.

eHarmony is a good option for online dating newbies. With worldwide coverage, but only about 5 million visitors each month, it’s less crowded and less overwhelming than other dating sites. A thorough personality screening process and automatic matching based on what you’re looking for keeps things simple and fun.


How to Choose a DatingSite

Looking forlove is never easy, but in the tech world we live in, it doesn’t have to bedaunting either. All it takes is choosing the right dating site.

Seems easy,huh? Well, it’s not.

There areliterally hundreds of dating sites out there. So, the first step is trimmingthrough them.

The best thing you could do is go for one of the biggest names, such as eHarmony or Match. These sites are not only popular – thus you have higher chances of finding interesting potential dates – but they are also secure and have genuine users.

Do someresearch and see which dating sites are reliable, or take my word for grantedand pick one of the two featured in this article – you won’t regret it, and itwill save you loads of time!

Then, checkavailability in your area and accessibility. To be successful on dating sites,you should be able to reply to interesting messages fast. That’s why thosedating sites with mobile apps are much more attractive than the few ones thatdidn’t go mobile yet.

You mustalso make sure the website is legit and that you won’t buy a subscription fornothing.

Okay!Choosing a dating site is daunting.

That’s why this article features a head-to-head comparison of the popular eHarmony and Match. I’ll cover the most important factors in any dating site-subscription decision and take a look at how well the two perform in the online dating industry.

I willdeclare a winner in each category and use the rank to declare an overallwinner. At that stage, you should have enough information about both sites todecide which is the best fit for your needs.

So, let thegames begin!


Both eHarmony and Match boast international coverage; they are two of the major long-standing dating sites that started small and expanded their boundaries all over the world. The former is currently available in over 190 countries – which pretty much encompasses the whole western world and beyond. The latter is available in about 25 countries, but that’s only because the parent company owns different dating sites operating under other names in some countries. For instance, it is called Meetic in most European countries.

Winner: eHarmony


In terms of popularity, Match is undeniably more sought-after than eHarmony. Nevertheless, the membership numbers are impressive for both platforms.

Match is atrue giant, owning over 24% of the online dating market in the US. Consideringhow many online dating services are out there, that’s quite impressive.

eHarmony standsright behind Match, but there is still a whopping gap of 10% between the two,with eHarmony owning 14% of the US market.

It goeswithout saying that the popularity of these two websites is much higher at aglobal level, a thing confirmed by the monthly visits each platform receives.

Matchstands way ahead eHarmony with approximately 35 million monthly visitors,whereas eHarmony registers about 5 million visits per months. While the gap isquite impressive, 5 million is still a lot of active members to connect with.

A quicklook at the Google Trends also confirms that Match is a tad more popular thaneHarmony. Both platforms are present in the USA, Canada, and the UK, but theformer tends to be slightly more active in the UK than eHarmony.

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Winner: Match

Sign-up Process

The first thing you’ll notice regardless of what platform you decide to use is the lengthy sign-up process. Registration on Match takes between 15 and 30 minutes to complete, whereas you should set aside a full hour for creating a profile on eHarmony.

Theprocesses themselves vary greatly, though.

Matchutilizes a step-by-step sign-up process similar to that of creating a profileon most hookup sites, but it doesn’t give you the possibility to skip steps andfill in the information later. That’s because the platform conducts manualprofile approval, so the operators in the backend must know who they’re dealingwith.

The maindownside is that it can take up to 24 hours for your profile to be approved.Another slight drawback is that the site will start learning your preferencesonly after you begin using it, meaning you won’t get the most out of the datingsite from day one.

On thebright side, you’ll have a fully filled in profile when you start connectingwith other members, which is a major plus.

Registeringto eHarmony is lengthier, but its famous 29 Dimensions of Compatibilitymatching system makes the whole registration process more exciting. While youplay, the software asks a bunch of personality questions that help the sitedetermine who to match you with.

While thequestions are fun and engaging, the length of the signup process can bementally exhausting. How-ev-er… evenif the process is exhausting, you’ll be able to start using the service andconnect with your matches as soon as the registration’s over.

At the endof the day, it all comes down to preference. If you don’t mind a longer signupprocess that gets you ready to go immediately, eHarmony is for you. If you’drather get through the registration as quickly as possible and don’t mindwaiting for a day or two for your profile to be approved, check out Match.

Winner: Match


While bothplatforms are quite popular, there is to say they couldn’t be more different interms of features.

EHarmony vs Match [June 2021 Updated] - Which One to Avoid?

eHarmony offers a guided online dating experience in which you have limited – not to say inexistent – control. In fact, the only control you have is to answer the initial questionnaire as accurately as possible.

Based onyour answers, the platform will pick and present your matches. You do get tochoose who to start a conversation with, but you can’t actually set searchparameters and see what the ocean has to offer beyond the matches offered bythe platform.

Match, on the other hand, comes with a complete plethora of features that allow you to find ‘the one’ in a wealth of different ways. You can play the popular ‘hot or not’ (swiping) game or use filters that let you pick your preferences down to features such as eye color or ethnicity.

Theplatform gives you more control over your online dating experience. Options,such as browsing privately and boosting your profile, are other featurespraised by its users.

eHarmonyfalls short in terms of search options and features, although this is part ofthe website’s design. Yet, it’s exactly this science-driven process that couldbe the site’s largest downfall for potential members.

If you’renot looking after a hand-held dating experience, eHarmony might get on yournerves quite quickly. The site purposefully blocks the features most datingsites are famous for to keep you focused and find you the perfect match.

It’s hardto deny, however, that half of the fun of online dating is browsing freelythrough profiles, and Match knew exactly how to offer the users what they werelooking for.

eHarmonymight offer a more self-expressing profile, but that’s not enough to keep membersengaged; unless you truly want to find your true love as quickly as possible –in this case, eHarmony might be a better choice.

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Winner: Match.com

Quality of Matches

Scarcemembership, low-quality profiles, and fake profiles altogether are just some ofthe concerns users have when signing up for an online dating site.

Whether youchoose eHarmony or Match, that’s not something to worry about with eitherplatform.

Both sitescount millions of active members from all over the world. You can find singlesof all ethnicities, ages, and walks of life, and both sites strive to maketheir platforms safe starting points for romance.

eHarmony is responsible for over 500 marriages every single day in the US, according to Harris Interactive. According to the numbers, eHarmony seems to match you best for marriages than long-term dating, majorly thanks to the guided communication promoted by the site.

By limitingyour matches and interaction, it helps folks ward off casual daters and peoplewith fake profiles, helping you find your soul mate faster.

Overall,eHarmony will send you few potential matches on a day-by-day basis, but thequality of these matches is higher than that of Match.

Are Match And Eharmony The Same

When it comes to Match, about 38% of its members stated they could find compatible matches with whom to build relationships of over a month. What slows down the process of finding your soul mate on Match is the multitude of search options that can make you lose time with casual daters and fake profiles.

Perhapsthat’s one of the reasons why Match seems to be more popular among the youngeraudience who’s not necessarily interested in marriage.

By lookingat the numbers, it is safe to say that you can find love on both eHarmony andMatch.

At the endof the day, it all comes down to preference. Are you the laid-back type who’dlike to find Mr. or Mrs. Right directly into your inbox? Then eHarmony isdefinitely the one for you. eHarmony might also be a better choice if yourfinal goal is saying your vows and put a ring on your finger.

However, ifyou’d rather feel the thrill of browsing through profiles and using an array offantastic features even if they might only lead to a casual date orone-night-stand, then Match is definitely the right one for you.

Winner: Tie

Aesthetics and Interface

Choosing anonline dating site is pretty much like choosing any other product or service.It all starts with a visual impact. Which is so different between the two thatit’s clear why they cater to slightly different audiences.

eHarmony has a minimalistic layout with few visual frills and distractions. The initial impact is that of a traditional dating site, and if you don’t know already what’s with the hype, you might simply skip it.

Match caters to a younger public, a thing that’s easy to see as soon as you land on their homepage. Stunning visuals and flawless layout give it a high-class look that attracts.

Once you’vesigned up, though, eHarmony offers an attractive profile that looks like apersonalized webpage. Handcrafted graphics and limited distractions help usersfocus on finding a date rather than getting lost in functions and features.

Theinterface on eHarmony is simple and easy to use. If you’re not so tech-savvy,it’ll take minutes to get used to it.

Match is morein the trends and definitely more engaging, but not so simple for those userswho find it hard to get used to the technology.

However,Match provides a more natural design and intuitive interface despite all thebells and whistles. eHarmony may seem a bit fake at first glance, and even ifit’s not, that’s something that cuts off points.

Match’s appis also much more fun to use, more engaging, and definitely more responsivethan eHarmony’s.

WhileeHarmony might get some points for site design creativity, Match leads the packas one of the most intuitive layouts capable to cleverly combine all the bestfeatures of your typical hookup site with the cleanest and inherentlyeasy-to-use design.

Winner: Match


Both eHarmonyand Match are free to join, but you have to subscribe to a paid membership planif you want to actually use them.

At thisround, eHarmony beats Match 1-on-1 from a strictly financial standpoint, butonly if you buy a 6- or 12-month subscription.

If you’reon a tight budget and want to join a legit dating site for the long-run, itmight be your best bet.

If you wantto join for a shorter period, Match is cheaper.

In terms ofvalue for money, it’s safe to say that both platforms are true winners. Matchmight cost more, but offers a plethora of different features and dating possibilities,that vary from online dating to live tours and events.

Winner: eHarmony

Who Is It For?

Both eHarmonyand Match cater to single men and women, but the latter tends to be moreLGBT-friendly. Due to design and interface differences, eHarmony tends toattract a more mature user pool, whereas Match is younger and fresher.

There is tosay that eHarmony also allows looking for same-sex partners; however, mostmembers are heterosexual. Therefore, it might be quite challenging for a gay,lesbian, or non-binary individual to find a partner on this platform.

Match has amuch more relaxed approach. Attracting younger and more open-mindedindividuals, it makes it easier to find a match regardless of your sexualorientation.

This probablyis also aided by the fact that you can set your own research criteria and roamfreely through all profiles.

From asubjective standpoint, it’s hard to nominate a winner. Once again, it all comesdown to preference and your personal orientation. If you’re straight, bothplatforms can be a good choice. If you’re part of the LGBT community, Match is undoubtedlya better option.

From anobjective perspective, though, Match is more versatile. Thus, this point goesto it.

Winner: Match

And The Winner Is…

While I alwaysstrive to announce a clear winner in these head-to-head dating site contests, I’mpleased to announce that both platforms raise to the expectations. Whichever youchoose, you’ll gain access to a huge user pool and have high chances of findingcompatible matches.

Match won against eHarmony 5 – 2. They tied in the quality of matches category, meaning they are both excellent options for finding your Mr. or Mrs. Right.

Matchoffers a more flexible online dating approach and is ideal for users who liketo have complete control over their matching and dating process. A state-of-the-artplatform with stunning graphics and visual effects, as well as an intuitiveapp, appeal to a younger audience of students and young professionals. It isideal for those in search of long-term relationships as well as casual dating,but it could be a tad harder to find your soul mate.

Eharmony Reviews By Women

eHarmony stands out thanks to its guided online dating process. It’s perfect for the laid-back individual who doesn’t have the time or will to browse to profiles. It is also a better option for mature singles who have passed the ‘trial and error’ stage in their sentimental life.

Better yet, they're currently offering a 3 month off discount.

Through acomplex matching system, eHarmony gets you in touch with people who sharesimilar interests and with whom you have higher chances of building a strong relationshipor marriage.

Which isthe best online dating site between the two is ultimately down to you.

So, tellme. Would you rather receive matches directly into your inbox from eHarmonyinstead of browsing through profiles or play the ‘hot or not’ game on Match?

Did you useany of these or another dating site? What was your experience with it?

Tell me ina comment below; I’d love to hear from you.

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And before yougo, don’t forget to share this article with your friends. Who knows? Love canbe just one click away 😉


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