Muslima Singles

Meet new singles everyday. Make friends & find your match. Talk to Real People. Start communicating with online members using one-on-one private chat. Meet Muslim Singles for Marriage. 15,000 members have already found their half. It's free to join and it will only take a few minutes to make your first encounters.

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  2. Muslim Singles
  3. Muslima Singles Customer Service

Do you want to meet Muslim singles? ArabLounge has been connecting Muslims since 2002. ✓ Join for free.

  • Want to meet Muslim singles? Check our Islamic dating site! Heart knows no religion, it’s a well-known fact. Nowadays, when contacts with people practicing different religions are not limited with anything, it often happens that two opposites fall in love with each other, for example a Christian girl and a Muslim boy.
  • Muslima is popular with young Muslim singles over 25 who are looking for a wife or husband. It is also used by divorcees who are looking for a second chance at finding a compatible life partner. The membership splits evenly between men and women, meaning both genders have an excellent prospect of finding a suitable match.
Muslima singles travel

Muslima has helped thousands of Muslim singles find their match. As one of the leading Islamic matrimonial sites, we are one of the largest and most trusted sites around. Not many other sites can offer you a membership database of over 7.5 million members with the promise of introducing you to single Muslim men and women across the world. Meet Muslim Singles. Get introduced to local profiles of Middle Eastern and Muslims on the world's leading specialty dating site. Select a country from below to get a list of Arab Personals, or click any of the profiles on the left.


In many parts of the world, finding a Muslim partner can be a challenge. Many people have serious misconceptions about what Muslim singles may be looking for, or may not understand why it is important for Muslim women and men to meet other singles who have similar values to their own. That is why ArabLounge has become the world's premier online destination for Muslim singles throughout the world.

Want to chat privately with Muslims? Join ArabLounge, the largest network of Arabic and English speaking Muslims.

Every man with dreams needs a woman with vision.
Are you muslim, educated, open minded, non smoker looking for mariage?
Salam Alikom
These Muslims are chatting on ArabLounge right now!

At ArabLounge, you can be connected to our network of more than a million Arab singles, including countless Muslim singles who are looking to engage with like-minded individuals like yourself for dating, friendships, and even Muslim matrimonial opportunities.

Here at ArabLounge, we give you all of the tools you need to connect with other Muslim singles that are just like you. By signing up for a free account, you can post a profile that will let others know just who you are and what you're looking for in a potential date. You can even send a first message to a Muslim man or woman who catches your eye, and you're free to receive messages that other Muslim singles have sent to you. Our vast database of amazing singles will be available to you, and you can even answer a variety of questions that will allow you to better express yourself to our members – and help you find only those singles that are right for you.

If you're ready to take the next step in meeting your mate, ArabLounge offers a special Platinum Membership that will allow you full access to all of the features on our site. This will allow you to engage in chat and messaging conversations with other members, making it easier than ever to find Muslim women or men who are interesting to you.

We're sure that for many Muslim singles, online dating hasn't traditionally been seen as a viable option. But if you're finding that friends and family aren't able to set you up with other Muslims who are compatible with you, and there isn't a local Muslim scene that makes it easy to meet other singles who share your values, you might find that ArabLounge opens up opportunities you've never thought possible before. We can not only connect you with other Muslim singles that are right around the corner, but also those in other parts of the world who might just be what you're looking for in a partner. Whether you're living in the Middle East, Europe, the United States or anywhere else, there are plenty of Muslim dating opportunities waiting for you at Arab Lounge.


If you want to find other Muslim singles who are looking for someone just like you, it's time to sign up for an account at ArabLounge. No matter your religious needs, your ethnic preferences or the characteristics and values you want to share with the love of your life, you'll be able to find plenty of singles who are compatible with you here. Once you've seen the results that are possible at ArabLounge, we're sure you'll never see Muslim friendships in the same way again!

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  • Muslim Singles is the leading Muslim Marriage site

With almost 2 million profiles,, the Muslim Marriage site, is the best source of matrimonial profiles for Muslim singles. Join now and find out why so many Muslim marriages start with Our marriage service offers features such as free registration, free upload picture, Muslim chat, send text messages, e-cards and even SMS to potential muslim brides or muslim grooms.

Muslima Singles Club is the safest Muslim Matrimonial site

Muslim Singles


Muslima Singles Customer Service's Muslim Matrimonial site is the most trusted Muslim Matrimonial service because it is run by Muslims who understand the culture of Muslim singles and Muslim marriages. is the only successful Muslim matrimonial site that is run 100% by Muslims. Other Muslim matrimonial sites are not run by Muslims, and therefore are not as effective in meeting the needs of Muslim singles. Our matrimonial site has Islamic marriage standards to provide its members with a safe, halal, trusted and comfortable matrimonial experience for all Muslim singles. And with our quality Muslim profiles and speedy technical support, we are confident that you will find a perfect muslima match at!